What Are The Healing Properties Of Moonstone?

Moonstone is a captivating gemstone known for its ethereal glow and association with the moon. Here are some commonly attributed healing properties of Moonstone:

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Emotional Healing:

  • Emotional Balance: Moonstone is believed to have a calming and soothing energy that helps balance emotions and alleviate stress, anxiety, and tension. It can assist individuals in navigating through emotional upheavals with grace and ease. 
  • Feminine Energy: Moonstone is associated with the divine feminine energy, intuition, and nurturing qualities. It can help individuals connect with their intuition, embrace their emotions, and tap into their innate wisdom. 
  • Empathy and Compassion: Moonstone is thought to enhance empathy and compassion towards oneself and others. It can promote understanding, forgiveness, and emotional healing in relationships. 

Spiritual Healing:

  • Intuition and Insight: Moonstone is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness. It can assist individuals in accessing deeper levels of consciousness, receiving guidance, and trusting their inner wisdom. 
  • Connection to the Divine Feminine: Moonstone is associated with goddess energies, lunar cycles, and the rhythms of nature. It can help individuals connect with the divine feminine aspect within themselves and the universe. 
  • Inner Growth and Transformation: Moonstone is thought to facilitate personal growth and transformation. It can help individuals release old patterns, fears, and limitations, allowing for spiritual expansion and evolution. 

Physical Healing:

  • Hormonal Balance: Moonstone is believed to support hormonal balance in the body, particularly in women. It may help regulate menstrual cycles, alleviate PMS symptoms, and promote reproductive health. 
  • Digestive Health: Some believe that Moonstone can support digestive health and alleviate gastrointestinal discomfort. It may aid in digestion, assimilation of nutrients, and detoxification. 
  • Sleep Aid: Moonstone is thought to promote restful sleep and alleviate insomnia. Placing a Moonstone under your pillow or by your bedside may help improve sleep quality and promote relaxation. 

Other Healing Properties:

  • Creativity and Inspiration: Moonstone is associated with stimulating creativity, imagination, and artistic expression. It can inspire inspiration and innovation, making it a valuable tool for artists, writers, and creative individuals. 
  • Enhanced Psychic Protection: Moonstone is often used for psychic protection and energy clearing. It can help remove negative attachments, entities, and energetic blockages, promoting spiritual clarity and well-being. 


Overall, Moonstone's luminous beauty and metaphysical properties make it a cherished gemstone with a variety of uses and applications in healing, spirituality, and personal development. Individual experiences with Moonstone may vary, so it's essential to trust your intuition and work with it in a way that resonates with you.

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