Flower Of Life Crystal Pyramid
Flower Of Life Crystal Pyramid
contains tiger's eye, amethyst, and copper coil for positive energy manifestation
Tiger’s Eye increases insight and perception in unfamiliar places or circumstances, and protects from the negative intentions of others. Tiger’s Eye sharpens the senses, helping one pay attention to details and prepare for positive action.
Amethyst is a powerhouse stone with many benefits. It vibrates at a high frequency, creating spiritual protection against negative energy. Amethyst awakens higher consciousness, assists in wise decision-making free of emotional confusion, and facilitates meditation and intuition.
Copper is helpful for balance, communication, and synchronicity. It is a great conductor of energy and is useful for all types of spiritual purposes. Copper is a popular tool for healing and works with all of the chakras to pull in energies from higher realms into the physical world.